At NAB 2007
find out how you can better manage your:
  • Media Workflow including bidding/cost estimate, project management, work orders, cost tracking, reporting, and billing.
  • Scheduling of rooms, people, crews, and equipment, including those sourced from third parties or rented out.
  • Media Assets including physical and digital assets, metadata, media requests, asset movement, and duplication.

Visit the Xytech Systems booth at NAB to learn how you can improve, streamline, and automate your media business operations. Find out why the Xytech Enterprise software is the solution of choice for major film studios, broadcasting companies, post production houses, and corporate media departments of Fortune-1000 companies.

See a live demonstration of Xytech's Enterprise software for better management of your media assets, resources, facilities and operations.

Booth SU7526 - Hall 3 - South Upper level



Ron Peeters
Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing
Xytech Systems Corporation
Phone +1.818.303.7800